Thursday, August 20, 2009

He and Morris got the body into the bag and zipped it closed. Fifteen minutes later the Wilsons watched as the police cruiser and the.

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The valley. He watched the bright golden lights ­curiously. They were moving mighty fast. Must be helicopters. Could they be an unannounced military escort? He was still wondering when Captain Steven Pound US Army drew his nine-millimeter automatic and shot him through the back of the head. “The whole shipment?” Stan Loren stared at Dolf Wilkins in horror. “Every ounce ” Wilkins said flatly. He’d received the ­report forty minutes before Loren and he had himself under tight control. “Point-nine-four tons of weapons-grade fission­ables. Gone. ” “How?” Loren demanded hoarsely. “We’re trying to put that together. The Army the NRC and the Department of Energy bomb boys are all going ape-shit and Admiral McLain is just about as shaken. It would help if there were any survivors from the security detail or the train crew. There aren’t. ” “None?” Loren’s face was bleak as he began.
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